Short descriptor of good practice
The Active Ageing Festival, supported by the Erasmus+ Sport Programme under Small Collaborative Partnerships, is a dynamic project designed to combat physical inactivity in the elderly population, a major concern worldwide. This project not only targets health and financial issues in society but also aims to enhance the overall quality of life for the elderly through regular physical activities. These activities are known to significantly boost health, cognitive function, and disease prevention.
The primary objective of the Active Ageing Festival is to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities in sports, and capacity building. It focuses on raising awareness about the benefits of physical activity for the elderly, encouraging their participation in health-enhancing activities, and fostering stronger collaboration between sports organizations, senior organizations, and health stakeholders.
The event’s agenda is comprehensive and includes a variety of physical activities tailored to its target audience, physical fitness assessments, educational lectures on the benefits of physical activity for the elderly, and an array of leisure activities, cultural, and creative workshops. The program is designed to be flexible, adaptable to local contexts and available resources, and can be held both indoors and outdoors. While primarily a public event open to all, it can also cater specifically to certain groups, such as residents of local senior centres, ensuring a wide-reaching and inclusive impact.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
– Sport associations
– Single or multiple-day sporting event

For the planning of physical activity programs, the level of physical fitness and the physical preconditions of participants are of high importance.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
The Active Ageing Festival is a dynamic event, spanning single or multiple days, designed to encourage physical activity among the elderly. This event aims to foster social inclusion, ensure equal opportunities in physical activities, raise awareness, and promote participation in activities that enhance health, particularly for the older population. It also seeks to strengthen ties between sports organizations, senior groups, and health sector stakeholders.
To maximize its impact, the festival encourages collaboration with various stakeholders at both international and local levels. Local organizers host events filled with diverse leisure and sports activities, all designed to be accessible and enjoyable for participants regardless of their prior experience or knowledge in sports and physical activities. The festival emphasizes motivation and engagement, prioritizing participant enjoyment over competitive performance. Additionally, the event’s program may include creative workshops and intergenerational activities, further enriching the experience and fostering community connections.        

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
– Active and fit older people
– Older sedentary people, often with health problems and health risks
– Old-old people with activity restrictions

Within this differentiation further group building aspects could be relevant, like gender or living situation.

Resources used as part of good practice

Aims and objectives of good practice
– Literature review and Identification of Good practices
– Development of the Concept of event Active Ageing Festival
– Creation of transnational network and cooperation between sport organizations, senior organizations, and health stakeholders on local, national and international level
– Development of Event Manual for Active Ageing Festival
– Awareness-raising activities and skills development with a communication campaign
– Organization of Active Ageing Festivals on national level
– Encourage participation in health enhancing physical activity.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
They prepared a guide to potential local organizers of sports events for seniors and as a management tool for sport organizations. It was created to support the efforts of all motivated organizations and individuals into organizing successful sporting events promoting physical activity and sport among elderly people. This manual suggests what to think about before, during and after when organizing an ACTIVE AGEING FESTIVAL event.

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness
2. Inclusivity and Accessibility in Sports and Physical Activities
3. Collaboration and Community Engagement

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
The Active Ageing Festival is a comprehensive event designed to promote physical activity and social inclusion among the elderly. It employs non-formal, offline, and online learning methods, addressing cultural and organizational differences to enhance the active ageing field. Expertly crafted, the event’s program considers participant preconditions and targets specific groups, offering a range of activities including physical exercises, fitness tests, informative lectures, leisure activities, and creative workshops.
The event’s physical activity sessions are structured into three phases: warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down, incorporating elements like psycho-social stimulation and exercises for endurance, strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Activities are accessible to all skill levels, emphasizing motivation over efficiency, with music adding a motivational aspect. 

Any Additional Information
Active Ageing Festival communication videos

Country studied: Slovenia