About Gorazd Rituper

Gorazd Rituper

SenSyn development of the training material

In May 2024, four partner institutions organised focus group meetings to introduce participants to the project and to exchange experiences and suggestions for developing an educational curriculum that promotes lifelong learning and healthy living. The discussions in the focus groups covered several key topics:

– Introduction to the SenSyn project and understanding the concept of active ageing, along with sharing participants’ personal experiences.

– Motivation for participating in lifelong learning and healthy activities, as well as barriers or challenges related to health conditions.

– The importance and attractiveness of topics within the educational program.

– Feedback and suggestions for additional topics or activities that should be included in the program.

Participants were very active, and their feedback was extremely valuable and useful for further improvement of the SenSyn program. The goal is to adapt the programs to be as relevant and beneficial as possible for older adults, encouraging their participation in activities that promote health and overall well-being.

Each partner will develop a curriculum for 2 educational modules over next few months:

– LUMS: Physical activity and movement, as well as social skills and communication,

– LUP: Personal finance management and legal advice, as well as lifelong learning and volunteering,

– POU Varazdin: Healthy nutrition and cooking, as well as art, culture, and creative expression,

– POU Samobor: Digital literacy, as well as physical and mental vitality.

Each module, lasting from 2 to 4 hours, will be developed as a curriculum with learning objectives, educational topics, and implementation examples for pilot testing starting this fall. Ultimately, the result will be a joint, sustainable, and effective educational program ready to train educators, which will have a long-term positive impact on the quality of life of older adults.

Transnational Project Meeting in Varaždin, Croatia

Transnational Project Meeting in Varaždin (Croatia) was held on the 15th of February 2024 at People’s Open University Varaždin.

Partners discussed activities in the previous period and concluded that all activities were going according to the plan.

The Final version of Digital database was published on the project web page (ENG) and will soon be available in partner languages (SLO, CRO).

On EPALE you can find two articles about the project activities and follow us for more. 

In next stage of the project (WP3) topics for training materials will be made. 

Stay tuned!