Short descriptor of good practice
Being Healthy and Fit in Later Life (HEFILL) aims to exchange experience and good practice in the field of sports and physical activities in the later life and to make proposals on how to increase the level of physical activity among inactive older people.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
The setting is based on qualified persons in physical activities for seniors and adult learners from the local community (City of Kaunas) who attend seminars and workshops, demonstrate exercises geared to older persons, visit community sports and recreation facilities and meet with sports educators and sports administration officers.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
Couple of weeks after the decision on using this practice.
You need to target the audience (elderly) and experts (qualified persons in physical activities) and find appropriate venue to organize seminars and workshops.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
Qualified persons in physical activities for seniors and adult learners.

Resources used as part of good practice
Besides videos filmed for local use, this initiative also prepared multi-lingual posters.

Aims and objectives of good practice
Aims are to exchange experience and good practice in the field of sports and movement in later life, and to make proposals how to increase the level of physical activity among sedentary older people.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
The initiative involves the exchange of experiences and provides holistic approach. This facilitates knowledge transfer among practitioners, caregivers, and organizations involved in promoting physical activity for older people. Learning from successful approaches can lead to more effective strategies and interventions.
3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Video-based learning
2. Community implementation
3. Health literacy

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
The impact and long-term effects of this good practice is active engagement of sport organizations, clubs, education institutions, NGO’s and volunteers, intensive local networking, sharing of methodology and innovations, analysis of factors preventing and motivating older people to exercise and stay fit and proposal of initiatives and offers aimed to enhance physical activity in later life.

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Lithuania