ICT4Elders – Promoting ICT knowledge for the elderly people

Short descriptor of good practice
 The project’s core goals include:
 – Enhancing ICT education and promoting lifelong learning among older adults.
– Boosting seniors’ motivation to use the Internet and ICT applications through guided learning.
– Providing opportunities for seniors to progress and enhance their quality of life, thereby remaining active and contributing members of society.
– Upskilling caregivers and personnel involved in elderly care.
– Assisting organizations focused on active aging in delivering high-quality services to seniors and their families.
The educational program covers a range of topics essential for navigating today’s digital world, such as the basics of using electronic devices, connecting to the Internet, utilizing various apps and websites for health, entertainment, and daily tasks, as well as addressing internet safety concerns like fraud and misinformation.
Upon completion, participants are expected to have a firm grasp of using electronic devices, navigating the web, employing various applications for different needs, performing online transactions, and discerning credible information sources. The program is accessible to all, requiring no prior ICT knowledge, and can be accessed via any device with internet connectivity, making it a versatile and inclusive educational tool for empowering seniors in the digital age.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
Association of Social Service Providers
Participants of the course need to have a device (computer, smartphone, tablet) in order to practice on digital skills.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
The educational course consists of three modules:
1. Tools, Internet & Apps;
2. Online Communication, Entertainment & Health;
3. Online security.
Each module is divided into several lessons, which are supplemented by short tasks and a glossary with basic terms.

17 hours (each module lasts approximately 5,5 hours)      

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
– Elder care givers & companions
– VET Trainers
– Seniors (more importantly those over 70)
– Families
– Active Ageing Organizations
– Nursing Homes
– NGOs on social inclusion

Resources used as part of good practice
Project website

Aims and objectives of good practice
– To promote ICT education and lifelong learning of older adults
– To strengthen older adults’ motivation through guided learning in the use of the internet and ICT applications
– To offer elders the opportunity for growth and for a better quality of life through active ageing and by being dynamic members of the society
– To enhance the skills, knowledge, and competences of elder care givers
– To support Active Ageing Organizations and Nursing Homes in providing elders and their families services of high quality

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
The “ICT4Elders” project is a comprehensive initiative designed to address the digital divide among seniors, focusing on improving their digital skills and competencies for active aging and social inclusion. This project is particularly significant considering Eurostat’s findings that a significant portion of the 65-74 age group has never used a personal computer.

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
– The modular approach
– Dividing the curriculum into smaller self-contained units to ensure that the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and competencies are easier and more effective.
– Promoting ICT knowledge for the seniors
Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
Online assessment-interactive educational platform:

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Luxembourg