KEEP GOING, REACH GOALS, GET AN AWARD: Empowering Senior Volunteerism

Short descriptor of good practice
This project originated from a critical need to tackle the social isolation faced by older people after retirement. Factors like the loss of a spouse, separation from family, and diminishing social connections often lead to loneliness, impacting self-esteem and purpose. The consequences extend to mental health issues and physical illments.
To counter this, the Senior Award Program was developed, providing older individuals with different opportunities to share their knowledge and skills acquired over a lifetime.
Moreover, the project aligns with the Europe 2020 benchmark of increasing adult participation in lifelong learning to 15%.
Recognizing the pivotal role of adult educators, the initiative focuses on enhancing their skills to effectively engage with older individuals, motivating them to actively participate in social activities, lifelong learning, and volunteering.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
·         Research Institute/Center Netherlands
·         Non-governmental organization/association/social enterprise Slovenia
·         Higher education institution (tertiary level) Bulgaria
·         Non-governmental organization/association/social enterprise Latvia

This project shares the idea that it is never to late (or to early) to engage in volunteering activities. It welcomes seniors and older adult educators as well as other providers of formal and non formal adult education so there is minimal prerequisites for participation.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
Partners in this project developed together 3 intellectual outputs:
a) An online toolkit for older adults and adult educators „Promotion of Senior Adults‘ volunteerism“ , which includes a Resource library with active links to volunteer host organizations, legal acts, books, research articles, volunteer training programs, etc. Also, a Brochure “Volunteering in old age. Why not!?” which presents real life stories which aim to inspire and encourage older people’s volunteerism.
b) The Senior Award Program which includes an Online volunteer’s guide, 20 inspirational/ motivational stories (10 written and 10 video), the Participant’s journal to register his/her activities and reflections, also program leaflet.
c) Manual (Handbook) for adult educators-practitioners “Let’s help them become volunteers. What do adult educators need to know about volunteers and volunteering?” on how to support older people‘s volunteerism. It includes a curriculum and training material (4 modules) for self-study. Each module is supplemented with questions for reflection, an ice-breaking activity and two exercises.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
The project is targeting older people and older adult educators – adult educators practitioners involved in providers of both formal and non-formal adult education; as well as member organizations not primarily concerned with education (e.g. community centers, cultural houses, libraries, museums, NGOs, volunteer centers, etc.)

Resources used as part of good practice

Aims and objectives of good practice
The aim of the project is to enhance the social inclusion and position of older people,
to enable older adults to live and act as active citizens, to promote adult and older adult learning, to promote older people’s volunteering and caring for social welfare
Objectives were to:
1.Empower senior citizens to engage in learning and take up volunteering activities
through volunteering they wanted
* to connect “inactive” older people with the world of active people;
* to raise awareness about older people’s issues;
* to contribute to social fairness by changing perspectives.
2.Strengthen adult educators‘ competences to support senior volunteers in the pursuit of personal growth aims
3.Raise public awareness on the issues related to aging societies and on the benefits that the senior volunteerism may have to the well-being of the society.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
Feedback from partners:

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1.       Participation – this project encourages active involvement of learners  to share their knowledge, competences and capacities which they have accumulated throughout their lifespan
2.        Encouraging  learners Experiences – Learning is successful when it is made valid and reinforced by information obtained through experience. The learner’s maturity and intellect will decide the need for more experience and other instructional tools.
3.       Shared Goals: Establish common goals and objectives that are meaningful and relevant to all participants, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Bulgaria