Short descriptor of good practice
With this project, practitioners want to expand and develop social services in the community, include the elderly as well as all other pensioners in active aging programs.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
The good practice was delivered by local NGO in city of Daruvar. Activities were implemented by high skilled educators in different social areas of interest to elderly. Depending on the type of activity (workshop, lecture, course, trip, etc.), time frame for its implementation varies from couple of hours to several days. Most of the activities are being organized in premises of NGO.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
All of the activities are group oriented. This good practice can be organized in really short time period. You need to organize local elderly to come for the initial meeting, present what you want to do with them, gather their ideas, aspirations and suggestions and start organizing events. In this good practice, local self-government units (two municipalities) helped with additional funds needed for the implementation.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
Mainly seniors and occasionally their families.

Resources used as part of good practice
Besides working materials for workshops and/or lectures, several publications were made for the elderly with more to come as well.
The diabetic cookbook (only in Croatian) –
Healthy ageing (only in Croatian) –

Aims and objectives of good practice
The goals of good practice are the development of healthy habits through sports and recreational activities among the elderly population and raising the level of knowledge in the field of disease prevention and health preservation.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
Good practice was evaluated based on feedback from the participants.
Moreover, with the high level of active participation and contribution by participants, it was obvious that they like the activities, especially those where they can actively contribute. For example, after they were introduced with the practice of trying and preparing healthy food, after a lecture on it, they brought to the next session the food that they had prepared at home (there were several lectures on healthy food).

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Holistic approach to active aging:
2. Inclusivity and community involvement
3. Active engagement and participation

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
It is difficult to motivate older citizens for exercise or education, that is, for activities related to health preservation. Through this practice, the organizers learned what limits and demotivates them, and they applied this knowledge in the organization of new activities, which increased the connection of stakeholders, exchange of experience and cooperation between civil society organizations and the local community, with intensive local networking, exchange of methodology and innovations.

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Croatia